Five Ways to Lower Pay Per Click Costs

I’m spending way too much on PPC ads.  How do I lower my costs and still get the benefits?

1. Get good words.  One of the top pay-per-click tips is to use only effective keywords. It’s mission critical to regularly analyze how well keywords are working—and then get rid of the poor performers.

2. Use negative keywords.  If you use negative keywords it will keep you from spending money on irrelevant clicks.  To find negative keywords run a query report–maybe try Google’s explanation.Image

3. Identify Longer-Specific Keywords.  “Long-tail” keywords are keyword phrases that consist of between two and five words and can be great when searching for a specific item.  These words are used to define what is on the webpage.  To find keyword terms make use of the keyword research tool.

4. Restrict Match Types. Keyword matching basically indicates how broadly or narrowly your keyphrase will be matched to an individual search query.  Google AdWords has five different match types available: exact, phrase, broad, modified broad, and negative. Image

5. Focus on Brand Terms.  If you really want reduce costs quickly it is important to pause all non-branded keywords and focus solely on branded words.

 PPC advertising can deliver targeted audiences on a bottom-line friendly budget. Use these pay-per-click tips to start down a path that leads to lower costs and higher ROI.


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